Thursday, 9 May 2013

The Baptism

Baptism V Lotus-Eaters

In O Brother there is a large congregation of followers awaiting to be baptised. As they walk towards the river they seem to be in a glazed trance-like state. This parallels Odysseus' encounters with he Lotus-Eaters, the peoples who lived in an area dominated by the Lotus plant which acted as a narcotic, sending the eaters into a dream like existence. 
When Delmar accepts his baptism he says he will follow the "straight and narrow from here on out" which may be an allusion to the members of Odysseus' crew who ate from the Lotus plants and did not want to continue their journey home. 

The following scene portrays Delmar's baptism and the congregation of glassy-eyed followers.

18th Century French engraving of Odysseus removing his
crew from the presence of the Lotus Eaters

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